I've always been lost in the words of the ancient gods, primitive romantics, aquagreen sea creatures, and the dreaming mad. But never has it bored my feeble little cerebrum. Never have I ceased to cry out for more. This and this reason only is why literature ranks so highly on my naive little list of life essentials...

I envite you to catch a fallen angel by the toe... wander into a subliminal message... wander into a beautiful yet unreachable nirvana... or just wander. It's good for you!


---sappy and sleep-inducing... don't bother.
---airplane book... sell to someone you loathe
---ticky, fuzzy, mild but slightly entertaining...
---ooomphh! damn, this is GOOD shtuff, babeeey! definately tingly fresh.
---better than a good acid trip, better than raping a mongoose, by george, i'm in LOOOOVEEEEE!